Monday, September 13, 2010

Richard Mission 7: The Forellis Strike Back

Boss: Richard G. Newell
Characters: 8-Ball, Richard G. Newell
Gangs: Leone Family, Forelli Family
Location: Fort Carson Hotel, Bedford Point, Staunton Island, Liberty City
Reward: $600 Respect +
Unlock Missions: Subway: Eat Flesh (Richard), Guard the Club (Luigi)

* Find a boat at Newport that holds SPANK.
* Use a machine gun to guard the boat against attacking Forellis.
* Destroy the incoming Helicopter.


(Richard is playing video games)

Richard: HA HA HA! Take that you stupid mushroom! Whoa! Ah gotcha!

8-Ball: Uh, Rich?

Richard: NOOOOOOO! Fuck you, 8-Ball! You made me lose the game!

8-Ball: Sorry!

Richard: Nah, I needed to stop anyway. I was gonna get a boat thats full of SPANK at Newport. But then again, I maybe attacked. I need a shooter to defend the boat. Come with me.


8-Ball: What's with people and SPANK these days?

Richard: People love 'em! It's a good drug. But I'm not a drug guy, I don't use them. But I sell them!

8-Ball: Yeah, I tried that stuff before it was naaaasty! I don't know how people love to get high on that crap.

Richard: I hear ya, man.

(at the boat)

Richard: Okay, take this machine gun, and make sure this boat don't take to much damage. I don't want to die, or lose this SPANK! We need the money, buddy! I drive.

(riding the boat)

8-Ball: Hey, we have boats coming are way!

Richard: Shit! It's the Forellis! Take them out!

(when they are destroyed)

Richard: HA HA HA! Take that you italian dooshbags!

8-Ball: Aren't you italian?

Richard: Nevermind that, just take them out!

(more boats)

Richard: Why don't these Forellis ever give up?

(when the boat is half-destroyed)

Richard: DUDE! The boat is taking a lot of damage!

(when a helicopter comes)

Richard: AH SHIT! BITCH! Take that Helicopter out, 8-Ball! For god's sake, hurry!

(when the helicopter is destroyed)

Richard: *laughs* Yeah! Yes! Thank you, 8-Ball! Oh, you're a real life savor, my friend!

(at Portland Harbor)

Richard: Whoo! That was a workout, huh? Well, we should split up. I'll see ya at the hotel!


News Lady: Somebody playing battleship? Well it looks like it, as gang war erupts the waters between Portland, and Staunton. Many boats, including a helicopter blew up, as a drive in one boat took them out. The attackers were looking to be the return of the Liberty City mafia, the Forelli Family. Stay tuned for more, only on LCN.

(after mission phone call)

8-Ball: Huh?

Luigi: 8-Ball it's Luigi! I need your help, kid! Right away! Come down to the club, ASAP!

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