Monday, July 26, 2010

Joey Mission 1: Drive-By

Boss: Joey Leone
Characters: 8-Ball, Joey Leone, Misty, Richard G. Newell
Gangs: Leone Family, Triads
Reward: $300, Respect +, Unlock Pay-n-Spray
Unlock Mission: Gunz of War (Richard)

* Drive-By six groups of Triads.
* 2-Star Wanted Level, get to Pay-N-Spray, Joey's paying
* Drop Joey off at his place


Joey: You so beautiful, Misty!

Misty: What, me? Naw, it's you that's beautiful.

Joey: No, you are. Just handsome. Oh, hey 8-Ball! Alright, Misty, go wait for me upstairs.

8-Ball: Wussup, Mr. Leone?

Joey: Well, I heard what you're problem is, and I'm gonna help you out.

8-Ball: What's that you want to do?

Joey: Well, the Triads had been mocking our business, and that's way to much. We're gonna take these UZIs, Drive-By them, and BAM!

8-Ball: Okay, so who's driving?

Joey: You!

8-Ball: But I can't drive, and shoot at the same time.

Joey: You're not shooting, you're just driving towards the Triads, and we blow their heads off! Richard, and another Leone member are gonna help out. Let's show these mother fuckers, what us Leones are made of!


8-Ball: Hey, Rich!

Rich: Hello, 8-Ball! You driving, huh?

8-Ball: Yeah, speak of the devil.

Rich: Don't worry, we just have six groups of Triads to kill, it won't be that hard. This car here is bullet proof, so we won't have much of a problem.

Joey: Well, I don't think it's that bullet-proof, it can still be destroyed by a powerful rifle, or shotgun.

Richard: Well, most of them have UZIs, and Pistols, so don't worry. Now, come on, let's go!


Richard: No one messes with the Leones! HA HA HA!

Richard: Oh, yeah!


Richard: Ah ha, that beat the shit out of them!


Joey: Ha ha ha ha ha!

Joey: I got one!

Joey: Die, Triad scums!

Joey: Go cry to your mommies!

(Once all six groups are defeating)

Joey: 8-Ball, the police are on to us!

8-Ball: What do we do?

Joey: There's a Pay-N-Spray at the Red Light District, down the street from Luigi's. That'll help.

(after the spray)

Joey: Alright! Let's get back to my place!

(when they get back to Joey's)

Joey: Great shooting, everyone! Also, great driving, 8-Ball! Here's your payment.

(Joey and the Leone goes out)

Richard: Hey, 8-Ball. I got some work for you after this. Come back to my place when you get the chance.

8-Ball: Alright, homie!

(Richard gets out)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Luigi Mission 1: Luigi Goterelli

Boss: Luigi Goterelli
Characters: 8-Ball, Luigi Goterelli, Mickey Hamfists
Gangs: Leone Family
Start-Off Location: Luigi's Club, Red Light District, Portland, Liberty City
Rewards: Respect +, Able to buy Brass Knuckles and Baseball Bat at Gangsta's Paradise
Unlock Missions: Drive-By (Joey)

* Get a baseball bat at Gangsta's Paradise
* Kill the Diablo drug-dealers around Red Light District, Saint Mark's, Portland View, and Trenton (be careful, after the fifth Diablo is killed, they start chasing you in a car)


(8-Ball knocks on the door)

8-Ball: Hey, Luigi, it's me!

(knocks again)

8-Ball: Hey, Luigi it's me, 8-Ball! You called?

(Mickey opens the door)

Mickey: Wussup, 8-Ball?

8-Ball: Hey, Mickey! Where's Luigi?

Mickey: He's coming.

Luigi: How ya doin, kid?

8-Ball: Not much, except my shop's out of business.

Luigi: Well, let me help you make a little money!

8-Ball: Hell yeah! So what do you want me to do?

Luigi: Well, the Diablos have drug-dealers around our turfs. We need to teach them a lesson! I have a Baseball Bat that is waiting for you at Gangsta's Paradise Pawn Shop. Why don't you go, and get it, and teach them a lesson.

8-Ball: Alright, I'll be back.

(8-Ball walks down the stairs but stops)

Luigi: I have a tip for you. If some Diablos are out on the streets, run them over. The bat is good to be used in the alleyways.

(when the Diablos are chasing him, and they are close enough)

Diablo: You messing with the wrong gangsters, buddy. You going down!

After mission phone call:

8-Ball: Hello? 8-Ball here!

Joey: Hey, 8-Ball! It's Joey.

8-Ball: How's it going, Mr. Leone?

Joey: Well upset, because of your shop closing down, and you losing everything.

8-Ball: Yeah, gee thanks! (sarcastic)

Joey: I can help you out. Come down to my father's club at Portland Beach, we'll talk.

Richard Mission 2: Fight Club

Boss: Richard G. Newell
Characters: 8-Ball, Richard G. Newell
Gangs: Leone Family, Triads
Start-Off Location: Rich's Place, Harwood, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: Respect +, $100, Unlock Gyms
Unlock Missions: Luigi Goterelli (Luigi)
Mission Failure: 8-Ball dies, Killing the Leone the Triad is talking to

* Head to Portland View
* Fight the Triad spy
* Fight the Triads attackers (all are weapon-less, but two have Brass Knuckles)


(Richard is playing video games)

8-Ball: Hey, Rich!

Richard: What? Oh, hey 8-Ball.

8-Ball: I was wondering if you have a mission for me....

Richard: SHIT! Damnit! I'll never kill that boss!

8-Ball: Uh, Rich?

Richard: Do you believe this, man? These stupid games are sooooo hard!

8-Ball: That's what she said! (laughs)

Richard: Man, fuck you!

8-Ball: Sorry, man, just messing with ya!

Richard: Well, I have my eyes on a spy. The Triads have sent a disguised member, and he's right now talking to a Leone at Portland View Hospital. I want you to expose him, then kill him!

8-Ball: Alright.

Richard: Alright, and then I want you to help me complete this game!

8-Ball: Yeah, nice joke, Rich.

(at the hospital)

Leone: I wondered how that happened, I can't believe that chick flipped you off just for that.

Disguised Triad: Yeah, I know. What a whore! Oh hello, can I help you?

8-Ball: Do you know much about the Triads?

Disguised Triad: Uh, no, no I don't. I hate those Triads! Leones rule!

8-Ball: Let me see you kill a Triad!

Disguised Triad: Uhhhh.... Hey, what's that behind you?

8-Ball: Where?

(the Triad shoves 8-Ball, and the Leone and runs)

8-Ball: Get back here, asshole!

(Once the triad is died, seven more appear)

Triad: You smart, huh? Let's see you handle us?

Leone: Don't worry, 8-Ball! I'll help you out!

(once the triads are dead)

8-Ball: Thanks for the help!

Leone: No problem!

(Leone walks away)

8-Ball: Hey, look! Someone left some money on the ground!

(phone call)

8-Ball: Hello? 8-Ball here!

Luigi: How ya doin kid?

8-Ball: Luigi! Hey, how's the club?

Luigi: Cool so far! Listen, I heard what happened, and I may help. If you want to get back on foot, come on down to my Club, I'll wait for ya. Oh, and if you want to increase your strength, go find a gym.

8-Ball: Okay, thanks, Luigi!

Richard Mission 1: Richard G. Newell

Boss: Richard G. Newell
Characters: 8-Ball, Richard G. Newell
Gangs: Leone Family
Locations: Rich's Place, Harwood, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: Respect +, $200, Able to buy food from Pizza Stack, Cluckin Bell, and Burger Shot, Able to get tattoos
Unlock Missions: Fight Club (Richard)
Mission Failure: 8-Ball dies, Rich dies

* Drive to the Pizza Stack in Red Light District
* Drive back to Rich's


(Richard is watching the news)

8-Ball: Hey, Rich!

Richard: Yo, 8-Ball! Wussup?

8-Ball: Same as when I talked to you on the phone.

Richard: Heh heh! Of course.

8-Ball: So what do you want to do?

Richard: Wanna go eat? You look like you could use a meal.

8-Ball: Alright, sounds good!

Richard: Pizza Stack good?

8-Ball: Alright, for sure!


Richard: You drive.

(at pizza stack)

Richard: I'll buy for you.

(outside of pizza stack)

Richard: Oh shit! It's the Diablos! Quick! Get us back to my place!

(at Rich's)

Richard: Whoa, that was a close call! Those Diablos have been a problem for a while. Same for the Triads, and the Demon Frogs.

8-Ball: Sure was.

Richard: Here, this will help pay for your expenses. See ya around.

8-Ball Mission 1: Business Has Been Bombed

Characters: 8-Ball, Richard G. Newell
Gangs: Leone Family
Start-Off Location: 8-Ball's Bombshop, Harwood, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: 8-Ball's Place as Safehouse
Boss: 8-Ball
Mission Unlocks: Richard G. Newell

* Drive to 8-Ball's Place in Hepburn Heights.

(after 8-Ball gets in a vehicle)

Choras: Liberty Neeeeeews!

News Lady: Gang wars have been spreading all over Liberty City. As of this event, Mayor Miles O' Donovan ordered Staunton Island under lockdown. The LCPD is now in the scenes trying to break up the wars, if it is successful, Staunton's lockdown will be over. Until then, all pathways to Staunton Island are now closed, including the Callahan Bridge, Porter Road Tunnel, and Subway services. More later, on LCN.

(when 8-Ball gets to his place)

(8-Ball walks into his door, and calls his friend Richard)

Richard: Hello, this is Richard G. Newell. State your business.

8-Ball: Hey, man, wussup?

Richard: 8-Ball, my man! I'm sorry what happened, I heard everything on the news, your bankrupt.

8-Ball: No shit sherlock, what else is new?

Richard: I know what you mean, man.

8-Ball: All my money is gone, all my bombs, all my weapons!

Richard: Where's the money you had in your wallet?

8-Ball: *grunts* I spent it all at Luigi's Club.

Richard: You're in idiot, 8-Ball. Why the fuck would you do that?

8-Ball: I don't know, man! I guess I over did it, wanted to get horny, and shit, you know?

Richard: *Sigh*

8-Ball: Well, face it, I'm ruined, bankrupt!

Richard: Well, I'm gonna help you get back on your feet! I got plenty of money. So, why don't you work for me for a little while?

8-Ball: That sounds like a great idea, Rich! Maybe I still have hope.

Richard: Okay, 8-Ball! Now, meet me at my place later. I can help you out, when you're ready.

8-Ball: Alright, sounds great! Talk to ya later, man!

Richard: Okay, bro, cya!

(they hang up)

The Introduction (Part 7) - 8-Ball

Characters: 8-Ball, The Thieves
Gangs: ?????

(8-Ball's Bombshop, Harwood, Portland, Liberty City)

(8-Ball drives to his shop near sunset, gets out of car, and heads towards the door, but finds out there is something wrong, he opens the door, turns on the lights, and notices some robbers)

8-Ball: HEY, YOU GUYS? What the hell do you think you're doing?

(thevies start running all over the room, one escapes, 8-Ball beats one guy up, but then the theif punches his face, and his nose starts bleeding, then the second theif runs away, 8-Ball captures the third and final thief)


Thief: This is not the only shop, all your others are getting robbed, and you have to be forced to shut down!

(thief shoots himself in the head, and dies, and the other two thieves drive away. 8-Ball runs out the door)


(8-Ball calms down, and stomps the ground, and walks back into his store)

8-Ball: Man! I can't believe this!

(20 minutes later)

(LCPD Cops all over the place)

8-Ball: So, officer, what news?

Cop: Well, all your money, weapons, and bombs are gone, we checked all your other places around Liberty, but they robbed there too. As well as Vice City, Los Santos, and all your other bombshops. I'm sorry, 8-Ball, but I think this is the end of 8-Ball's Bombshop.....for now, until you can find the missing bombs, and earn back your money.

8-Ball: Thank you, officer.

Cop: So, we're gonna close down all your shops, and investigate. You head on home, and we'll see what we can do to help.

8-Ball: Thanks, man.

Cop: No problem, 8-Ball. You have a great night!

8-Ball: You too, man. *Sigh* I guess.

(all cops drive away, and 8-Ball sits down very upset)

8-Ball: I'M RUINED!!!! (echos)

The Introduction (Part 6) - Tommy & Glenny

Characters: Tommy Vercetti, Glenny Sindacco
Gangs: Vercetti Gang, Sindacco Family

(Vercetti Estate, Starfish Island, Vice City)....

Tommy: So, Glenny Sindacco! I'm glad you're hear to see me. What's your business?

Glenny: Well, Mr. Vercetti, we need money for our Casino in Downtown.

Tommy: More? Look, I know we're friends, but why do you keep "borrowing" money from me?

Glenny: If we don't have the money, we'll go bankrupt!

Tommy: Oh, you're gonna go bankrupted, eh? You need money for your stupid fucking casino? Why, the hell would I spent more money for your casino? How would I know you're spending all my loot on coke, and weed? *sniff*

Glenny: But, if we do this, you'll be a richer man than you are now! The money is for investment on our banks. You give us $400,000, and you'll be richer than ever, Mr. Vercetti!

Tommy: Hmmmm..... Well, let's see, you used to be friends by my enemies the Forellis, but you betrayed them, and left them for dead in Liberty City. Well, I am happy for that. Then you Sindaccos escaped Liberty, and moved to Vice City, so you can be friends with me, and keep STEALING all my fucking money! ARE YOU REALLY GONNA USE MY MONEY ON YOUR GAY ASS CASINO, HUH?!

Glenny: Yes, Mr. Vercetti, yes!!!

Tommy: Well, you better, because if you don't, you Sindacco scums would pay for this! I'll sent my best men to kill all you Sindacco faggots in your gay ass Casino, and then we'll take it over.

(Tommy makes an evil smile)

Glenny: Whatever you say, Mr. Ver....cetti.

Tommy: Good! I'll write your check tomorrow. Move along, friend.

Glenny: Thank you, Mr. Vercetti.

(Glenny walks away and Tommy takes out Coke from his desk, and enhails it)

The Introduction (Part 5) - Cubans and Haitians

Characters: Umberto Robia, Shawn Dooju, Alberto Robia (seen in background)
Gangs: Cubans, Haitians

(Cuban Cafe, Little Havana, Vice City)...

(cubans and haitians dancing, singing, talking, listening to spanish music, and having a great time)

Umberto: Shawn, my friend! You're here!

Shawn: Ahhhh, Umberto!

(they hug)

Shawn: Sooooo, we are at piece now, eh?

Umberto: Of course, amigos! Why were we at war in the first place? We got along thanks to our friends the Demon Frogs!

Shawn: Yeeeeesssssss, very good, Umberto! Soooooooo, any news here in Little Havana?

Umberto: Heh heh! Well, not Cubans, and Haitians fighting, anymore!

Shawn: Yeeeeeeesssssss, no more fighting.

Umberto: Wow, if the Cholos were still around, we would laugh at their fucking faces, when they find out! (laughs) I gotta tell you, Shawn, you got big BALLS! Haitians have as big of balls, as the Cubans, eh Shawn?

Shawn: (laughs) Yes, Umberto, yeeeess!

Umberto: (laughs) Everyone? Hey, Papi? Could you turn off the music for a sec?

(Alberto turns off the sterio)

Umberto: CHEERS! To our friendship! The Cubans, and the Haitians, that finally have piece!

(everybody cheers and everyone....cheersed their glasses, then everyone has fun again)

The Introduction (Part 4) - The Demon Frogs

Characters: Echo the Demon Frog, Corey the Demon Frog
Gangs: Demon Frogs

(Demon Frog Mantion, Prawn Island, Vice City)....

(Echo stands at the window watching the sunset)

Echo: Ah...what a beautiful sunset! A nice ending to any wonderful day at Vice City, won't you agree, Corey?

(Corey is shown sleeping but wakes up)

Corey: *snores* Huh? Oh, yeah, sure.

Echo: *Sniffs* *sighs* Corey, the Demon Frogs are the best! Ever since 1990, when the Demon Frogs first started, everything was great! We took over Vice City in 1994, then the whole state of San Andreas in 1996, and then Liberty City in 2002! Life is great, Corey!

Corey: Yep, you're sure right, Echo!

Echo: Well, I hope our forces are going pretty well in Liberty City, Verick, and Domick are telling me they lost ground at Portland. It's possibly those bastards, the Leone Family! Those dickheads better watch out, because the Demon Frogs will know what'll come to them!

Corey: Uh huh.

Echo: I'm also pretty upset about us losing ground at Los Santos. Fuck those Grove Street Families! All I wanted to do was start a friendship between these gangs, but NOOO, they want to get all pushy, and greedy, and take out our ground in these cities. If gangs want to be friends with me, then we'll be friends with them, but if they want a war, they got a war. We're the best! But we're losing after the Leones, and Grove Street! I'm so glad we're friends with the Colombian Cartel, I knew they would come in handy! They got a Rhino Tank. I'm a bit upset that they are killing our other friends the Yakuza. We're friends with the Triads, Diablos, Southside Hoods, Cubans, Haitians, Bikers, the Uptown Yardies and Sharks. Oh, the Diaz Gang II as well, but they have been a bit mean. I dunno what the fuck is going down in the neighbor hood. Corey, we need to stay alert, okay?

Corey: *snore* Huh? Oh, sure, Echo.

Echo: Also, that guy, on Starfish Island, Tommy Vercetti! He was my first enemy! Him, and his gang. Fuck that Vercetti Gang! Let them all fall in a hole, see if I care? Corey, we need to stay alliance with any gang we can. I have a feeling that we might be betrayed, mostly the Diazs. We should stay on our toes, right Corey?

Corey: *snore* Huh? Oh, okay, whatever you say, Echo.

Echo: Corey? Have you listened to one fucking word I said?

Corey: Uhh, of couse! Don't worry....I listening to every word you said Echo!

Echo: What was I talking about?

Corey: Uhhhh... Oh look at the time, my show is coming on! I'll see you tomorrow, Echo.

Echo: Don't forget to call Thomas. I want to make sure our full control of the V-Rock Hotel in Las Venturas is going in order.

Corey: Yeah, sure.

(Echo grunts and sighs, then looks out the window looking at the sunset)

The Introduction (Part 3) - Toni & Joey

Characters: Joey Leone, Toni Cipriani, Misty
Gangs: Leone Family

(Leone Gentleman's Club, Portland Beach, Portland, Liberty City)....

(Joey sits down drinking when Toni comes in)

Joey: Toni, my friend! How's everything?

Toni: usual.

Joey:'s been three years! Get over it!

Toni: I can't, Joey. I failed Salvatore big time.

Joey: Toni....Toni! Sit down, relax!

Toni: *Sigh* Yes, Mr. Leone. (sits down) What the fuck am I going to do? I mean, six years ago, I saved your father's life several times. I thinking to myself, why the fuck did I bother? It was all a waste of time. If only I had the chance to kill that man who killed your father. (stands up angry) MOTHER FUCKER!

Joey: TONI?! Toni, calm the fuck down, my friend. You're really getting on my nerves! Besides, it wasn't your fault that my father died. You saved his ass, many times. You are his most trusted ally. If you died, he would get worked up too, but he'll get over it, and you should too, Toni. If you want revenge on him, and get it out of the way, you'll need the help from your friends. Don't do this alone. He does business with the Yakuza, and he's a strong fighter.

Toni: Joey, (he stands up and walks toward Joey) I know you are trying to help me, and save me, and I thank you very much. (Toni hugs Joey) But, Joey, I must do this alone. Sal demands me too, even though I can't hear it, I can feel it. Better yet, I can fuck up that girl Maria too.

Joey: Not Maria, Toni. She maybe a slut, but.....

Misty: What did you say, Joey? (Misty says it when she is in another room)

Joey: Nothing, Misty! It's not about you, babe! Now, Toni, as I was saying, not Maria, just the man, okay?

Toni: Yes, Mr. Leone.

Joey: Toni, you don't have to call me, Mr. Leone. I'm your friend, so call me Joey. Only the other Leones call me Mr. Leone.

Toni: Okay, Joey. I'll be patient. I'll wait for you at my house at Shoreside Vale.

The Introduction (Part 2): Yakuza

Characters: Yuka Kasen, Tomito, Komino
Gangs: Yakuza
Note: Komino only speaks Jappanese, not english, so her words are in jappanese letters. But the translation is right below it, so you'll know what she is saying.

(Yakuza Casino, Torrington, Staunton Island, Liberty City)

Tomito: Yes I know, but seeing that the Colombian Cartel had gained turf after their new leader came. It's a bit, you know, unexpecting. We never knew they were coming!

Yuka: Don't you dare shout your mouth at me! I am your leader.

Tomito: You're the youngest leader.

Yuka: That's because my Aunt Asuka, my uncle Kenjii, and my father Kazuki all died, I had to take over. My mother even killed herself. What else am I suppose to do? There was Komino, but she just moved to Liberty City, she doesn't know as much as I do.

Tomito: True. Forgive me Ms. Yuka Kasen.

Yuka: No worries, Tomito. Just bring Komino in here.

Tomito: Yes, Ms. Kasen.

(phone rings)

Yuka: Kon'nichiwa? (Hello) What? You shitting me, right? The Cartel ambushed my attack team? 4 dead, and 6 captured huh? Well, if we don't act up soon, the Yakuza will be no more. Call up our best fighter. Yeah, he is with Maria Latore at Witcha Gardens. Yes I know Maria was a wife of a Leone don, but you know, Asuka is a close friend to her. Don't worry, just sent him. Thank you.

(hangs up)

Komino: Yuka! 私はコロンビアのカルテルからの録音メッセージを有する。 私はそれを聞くべきであることを考える。

(English Translation: Yuka! I have a recording message from the Colombian Cartel. I think you should hear it!)

Yuka: Thanks, Komino.

Recording: Yakuza leader, you're turfs are getting taken over by us, and soon, you'll downfall will be true. If you don't wish for this to happen, I say you should surrender if you know what's a best. Be warned Yakuza!

Yuka: Oh fuck. Damn! This is not good. Tell all our men to lay low, and put all attacks on halt. Try to get that strong man to help us.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Introduction (Part 1) - Luigi, Mickey, & Quinton

Characters: Luigi Goterelli, Mickey Hamfists, Quinton Cance
Gangs: Leone Family

(Luigi's Club, Red Light District, Portland, Liberty City, 2004).....

Some Guy: Yeah, baby. Dance! Dance! Shake that ass, bitch! Now, wiggle your tits. Oh yeah, that's good!

Mickey: Hey, Luigi!

Luigi: Wussup, Mickey?

Mickey: Not much, man. Just the guys are going a little to far. Just waiting for get slapped.

Luigi: You got slapped before. You even got punched in the eye, and you needed to go home!

Mickey: That stupid bitch!

Luigi: Whoa, Mickey! These aren't bitches, my friend, they're strippers. This is Strip Club.

Mickey: I know.

Quinton: Yo, Luigi, my man!

Luigi: Ah, Quinton! Nice to see you're back from your vacation to Las Venturas! How much money did you lose, huh? Heh heh heh!

Quinton: Maaaan, quick your bullshit! I have a dream, baby! We're gonna be big!

Luigi: We're not gonna be big until you know how to handle a gun.

Quinton: What do you mean?

Luigi: You never kill anyone, you never use a gun. Your pointless! I mean, what the hell? You gonna use a gun or what? Your a Leone for God's sake!

Quinton: Yeah, but I use business. I handle the drugs! Who needs shooting! I tried to kill someone before, and I failed! Once I got shot, I couldn't remember a thing! I dunno how?

Luigi: Well, chill the fuck out, kid. I know you forgot everything, you moved to Liberty City, and got a life for the Leones!

Quinton: Well, could you train me?

Luigi: No, sorry, kid. But I know someone who could. We'll discuss this later. Have some fun! Were there any stip clubs in Venturas?

Mickey: Hey, Luigi. You got a phone call from Joey.

Luigi: Alright. Yo, Mr. Leone, what's up? Uh-huh. Yeah. Really? Yeah, I know. Don't worry, I have everything under control! What? But....I. Are you sure? Alright then. Yeah, the girls are fine. Okay, thanks. Yeah, sure. Alright. You have a good one. Bye.

Mickey: What did he want?

Luigi: Well, he said something about the Forellis building up their number, and becoming big again.

Mickey: Didn't Toni destroy most of them at the Fort Staunton destruction?

Luigi: Yes, but it seems....the Forellis are coming back up in big numbers again. Some Forelli members are coming from their Headquarters at San Andreas. And it's not just bastards.....there are bitches too.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Background Locations (food areas, gyms, etc.)

Pizza Stack:
* One Slice Meal (fat +1) ($2)
* Two Slice Meal (fat +2) ($5)
* Pizza Pie (fat +6) ($10)
* Salad Meal (fat -1, stamina +1, strength +1) ($8)

* Bedford Point
* Red Light District
* Cedar Grove
* Little Haiti
* Vice Point
* North Point Mall

Cluckin Bell:
* Cluckin Little Meal (fat +1) ($3)
* Cluckin Big Meal (fat +2) ($5)
* Cluckin Huge Meal (fat +6) ($10)
* Chicken Soup (fat -1, strength +1, stamina +1) ($8)

* Fort Staunton
* Portland View
* Pike Creek
* North Point Mall
* Washington Beach
* Little Havana

Burger Shot:
* Moo Kids Meal (fat +1) ($3)
* Beef Tower Meal (fat +2) ($5)
* Meat Stack Meal (fat +6) ($10)
* Salad Meal (fat -1, stamina +1, strength +1 ($9)

* Callahan Point
* Bedford Point
* Francis Intl. Airport
* Downtown
* Ocean Beach
* North Point Mall

* Harwood
* Trenton
* Newport
* Witcha Gardens
* Little Havana
* Little Haiti
* Washington Beach
* North Point Mall

Tattoo Parlor
* Little Haiti
* North Point Mall
* Ocean Beach
* Red Light District
* Belleville Park

* I <3 Liberty City
* I <3 Vice City
* I <3 Los Santos
* I <3 San Fierro
* I <3 Las Venturas
(more tattoo ideas? let me know)

* Red Light District
* Newport
* Ocean Beach
* Downtown
* North Point Mall

(to see what Ammu-Nation sells, go to Weapons category)

Gangsta's Paradise:
(to see locations, and what it sells, go to weapons category)

8-Ball's Place
* Location: Hepburn Heights, Portland, Liberty City
* Garage Space: Two cars, four bikes, or one car and two bike
* Items: (in development)


(page in development)


(page in development)

Radio Stations in GTA Ultra (Vice City)

DJ: Mr. Magic
Genre: Rap / Hip-Hop
* Set It Off - Big Daddy Kane
* O.P.P. - Naughty By Nature
* Fight The Power - Public Enemy
* Colors - Ice T
* Bust A Move - Young MC
* Boyz-N-The-Hood - Easy E
* I'm OG Loc - OG Loc
* Paul Revere - The Beastie Boys
* I Ain't No Joke - Eric B. & Rakim
* Bitches - Madd Dogg
* Dirty South - Goodie MOB
* You Got Me - The Roots
* Just A Friend - Biz Markie
* The Choice Is Yours - Black Sheep
* Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio

Flash FM:
DJ: Sage
Genre: Pop

DJ: Love Fist
Genre: Rock
* Burden In My Hand - Soundgarden
Paradise FM:
DJ: Oliver (Lady Killer) Biscuit
Genre: Disco, R&B, Soul
* Dancing in September - Earth, Wind and Fire
* Get Down On It - Kool & The Gang
* Let's Groove - Earth, Wind and Fire
* Celebration - Kool & The Gang
* YMCA - Village People

The Wave 103:
DJ: Adam First
Genre: 80's Music
* Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley

Emotion 98.3:
DJ: Ernie "Lover Man" Murphy
Genre: Love Music
* Come Sail Away - Styx
* Everything I Do - Bryan Adams
* You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins

Radio Espantoso:
DJ: Rico and Pepe
Genre: Spanish Music
(in development)

Vice City Radio:
DJ: The Truth
Genre: Beach Msuic
(in development)

Ha-Lol FM:
DJ: Harold "The Ha-Ha Man" Steves
Genre: Comedy Music
* Fat - Wierd Al
* Pretty Fly For A Rabbi - Wierd Al
* Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah - Allan Sherman
* Good Advice - Allan Sherman

(to see this station's info, go on VCPR page)

Radio Stations in GTA Ultra (Liberty City)

Head Radio:
DJ: Michael Hunt
Genre: Adult Contemporary
* Forever And For Always - Shania Twain
* Femme Fatal - Conor and Jay
* Drift Away - Uncle Kracker
* Sending You A Little Christmas - Jim Brickman / Kristy Starling
* I Hope You Dance - Lee Ann Womack with Sons of the Desert
* 100 Years - Five For Fighting
* Thank You - Dido
* Hero - Enrique Iglesias
* A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
* Can't Stop Loving You - Phil Collins

Double Cleff FM:
DJ: Yashii Socko
Genre: Classical
* Ave Maria - Maria Callas Otello
* Naughty Marietta - Sumi Jo
* Estrellita - Beverly Sills
* Pretty Baby - Billy Murray
* Ninth Symphony - Beethoven
* Also Sprach Zarathustra - Richard Strauss
* Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven
* 1812 Overture - Tchaikovsky
* The Blue Danube - Johann Strauss II

DJ: King Courtney
Genre: Reggae
* It Wasn't Me - Shaggy
* Get Busy - Sean Paul
* Jiggy - Elephant Man
* Angel - Shaggy
* Dude - Shawwna
* Fire Fire - T.O.K.
* Been So Long - Lady Saw
* You Don't Know My Name - Alicia Keys
* Girl - Jimmy Cheeztrix
* Girls Got Wild - Assassin
* Ay Ay Ay - Tony Toch Feat. and Sean Paul

Rise FM:
DJ: D.O.T. (Dustin Oscar Thomas)
Genre: House
* Naughty Girl - Beyonce
* Move Your Body - Eiffel 65
* Cha-Cha Slide (Part 2) - Mr. C
* Hear My Name - Armand Van Helden
* Love Me Right Oh Sheila - Angel City
* Don't Look Now - Way Out West
* Get Up Stand Up - Stellar Project
* I Like It - Narcotic
* Call On Me - Eric Prydz
* Lola's Theme - Shapeshifters
Where I Belong - Rachel Proctor
* Look At Us - Craig Morgan
* Live Like You Were Dying - Tim McGraw

Lips 106:
DJ: Toni
Genre: Top 40
* Let's Get It Started - Black Eyed Peas
* Numb - Linkin Park
* Toxic - Britney Spears
* Like A Stone - Audioslave
* Love Shack - B52s
* Welcome To My Life - Simple Plan
* Somebody Told Me - The Killers
* Milkshake - Kelis
* Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows
* It's My Life - Gwen Stefani
* Fly - Hilary Duff
* My Prerogative - Britney Spears

MSX 98:
DJ: MC Codebreaker
Genre: D&B
(in development)

Time Machine FM:
DJ: LAMO Man (Larry Manssion)
Genre: Oldies
* Fashion - David Bowie
* Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
* Golden Years - David Bowie
* You're My Best Friend - Queen
* Let's Dance - David Bowie
* Bicycle - Queen
* Rebel Rebel - David Bowie
* Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
* Ashes to Ashes - David Bowie
* Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen
* Diamond Dogs - David Bowie
* I Want It All - Queen
* Under Pressure - David Bowie and Queen

Flashback 98.3:
DJ: Victor
Genre: Disco
(in development)

Game Radio FM:
DJ: Stretch Armstrong & Lord Sear
Genre: Rap / Hip-hop
* Hey Ya - OutKast
* Drop It Like It's Hot - Snoop Dogg
* Lean Back - Terror Squad ft. Fat Joe & Remy Ma
* Slow Jamz - Twista
* Slow Motion - Juvenile
* Sweat - Nelly
* Trouble - Akon
* Turning Point - Mario
* One Love - New Edition
* Fly Or Die - N.E.R.D.
* Fuck the Police - N.W.A.
* One Mic - Yas

Radio X East Coast:
DJ: Marty Mathews
Genre: Rock
* Away From Me - Puddle Of Mudd
* Rock And Roll All Night - Kiss
* In The End - Linkin Park
* Out Of Control - Hoobastank
* American Idiot - Green Day
* Take It Away - The Used
* Word Up - Korn
* Talk Shows On Mute - Incubus
* Mr. Brightside - The Killers
* Fly Away - Lenny Kravitz
* One Step Closer - Linkin Park
* Spoonman - Soundgarden
* All Star - Smash Mouth

(to see this station, go to the LCPR menu)

Characters in GTA Ultra

* 8-Ball

Major Characters:
* Richard G. Newell (RG)
* Luigi Goterelli (L)
* Joey Leone (J)
* Quinton Cance (Q
* Echo the Demon Frog (DF)

Supportive Characters:

* Yuka Kasen (Y)
* Berkley (RC)
* Mary-Beth Williams (MB)
* The Truth (TT)
* Glenny Sindacco
* Umberto Robina (U)
* Shawn Dooju (S)

Minor Characters:
* Mayor Miles O'Donovan
* Tsai Wong Yang
* Larson Bernienee
* Denny the Demon Frog
* Domick the Demon Frog
* Chu-Chi Lolk
* Carl Anderson
* Harold

* Mary
* Mona

Unknown if Major, Supportive, or Minor:
* Phil Cassidy (P)
* Toni Cipriani (T)
* Tommy Vercetti (V)
* Corey the Demon Frog

(page still in development)

Vehicles in GTA Ultra

Two Door Cars:
* Blista Compact
* Esperanto
* Hermes
* Hellenbach GT
* Idaho
* Manana
* Sabre
* Stallion
* Thunder-Rodd
* V8 Ghost
* Virgo

Four Door Cars:
* Admiral
* Glendale
* Greenwood
* Kuruma
* Oceanic
* Perennial
* Regina
* Sentinel
* Sentinel XS
* Stretch (limo)
* Washington

4WD and Utilily:
* BF Injection
* Bobcat
* Mesa Grande
* Rancher
* Sandking
* Landstalker
* Patriot

* Blista
* Burrito
* Moonbeam
* Panlantic
* Pony
* Rumpo
* Securicar
* Top Fun
* Toyz

Sport Cars:
* Banshee
* Cheetah
* Comet
* Deluxo
* Infernus
* Phoenix
* Polaris V8
* Sabre Turbo
* Stinger
* ZR-350

* Borgnine
* Bus
* Cabbie
* Coach
* Deimos SP
* Kaufman Cabs
* Mr. Whoopie
* Phobos VT
* Pizza Boy
* Taxi
* Ventoso

* Avenger
* Faggio
* Freeway
* PCJ-600
* Quad
* Sanchez
* Streetfighter
* Wintergreen

* Dinghy
* Ghost
* Marquis
* Reefer
* Rio
* Speeder
* Squalo
* Tropic

Industrial Trucks:
* Boxville
* Bulldozer
* Flatbed
* Forklift
* Mule
* Linerunner
* Mr. Wongs
* Packer
* Rumpo
* Trashmaster
* Yankee

* Dodo
* Maverick
* Sea Sparrow
* Skimmer
* Sparrow
* VCN Maverick
* LCN Maverick

Goverment / Emergancy:
* LCPD Cruiser
* VCPD Cruiser
* LCPD Wintergreen
* VCPD Wintergreen
* LCPD Predator
* VCPD Predator
* VCPD Maverick
* LCPD Maverick
* VC Ambulance
* LC Ambulance
* VC Fire Truck
* LC Fire Truck
* VCPD Enforcer
* LCPD Enforcer
* VC Air Ambulance
* LC Air Ambulance
* VC Armadillo
* LC Armadillo
* VC Charger (chargers are hospital boats)
* LC Charger
* VC Un-Flamer (un-flamers are fire fighter boats)
* LC Un-Flamer
* Coast Guard
* Army Mesa Grande
* Army Patriot
* Barracks OL
* Rhino
* FBI Cruiser
* Hunter

* Baggage Handler
* Bloodring Banger
* Caddy
* Romero

Gang Cars:
* Biker Angel (LC Bikers and VC Bikers)
* Cartel Cruiser (Colombian Cartel)
* Diablo Stallion (Diablos)
* Forelli Exsess (Forelli Family)
* Gang Rancher
* Hoods Rumpo XL (Southside Hoods)
* Leone Sentinel (Leone Family)
* Sindacco Argento (Sindacco Family)
* Traid Fish Van (Triads)
* Yakuza Stinger (Yakuza)
* Yardie Lobo (Uptown Yardies)
* Gang Rancher and Gang Burrito (Sharks)
* Cuban Hermes (Cubans)
* Haitian Voodoo (Haitians)
* Frogger (Demon Frogs)
* Diaz Admiral (Diaz Gang II)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Weapons GTA: ULTRA!

Damage: Depending on Strength Level
Range: Very Short
Type of Weapon: Fist
Item Found: You'll always have this 'weapon', except if you obtain the Brass Knuckles

Brass Knuckles:
Damage: Depending on Strength Level and increases Fist damage by 20%
Range: Very Short
Cost: $50
Type of Weapons: Fist
Item Found:
* Gangsta's Paradise, Harwood, Portland, Liberty City
* Gangsta's Paradise, Rockford, Staunton Island, Liberty City
* Gangsta's Paradise, Pike Creek, Shoreside Vale, Liberty City
* Gangsta's Paradise, Little Havana, Vice City
* Gangsta's Paradise, Washington Beach, Vice City
* Gangsta's Paradise, North Point Mall, Vice Point, Vice City
* Behind 8-Ball's Apartment Building, Hepburn Heights, Portland, Liberty City
* In the Lighthouse, Ocean Beach, Vice City

Baseball Bat:
Damage: 20% per hit
Range: Very Short
Type of Weapon: Melee
Cost: $300
Carried by: Diablos, Uptown Yardies, Southside Hoods, Cubans, Haitians, Sharks, Bikers, Bombers, Vance Crime Family
Item Found:
* Gangsta's Paradise
* On the roof of Luigi's Club
* Under the Callahan Bridge on the Staunton Island side
* In front of the first Vice City Stories safehouse

Butterfly Knife:
Damage: 50% per slash
Range: Very short
Type of Weapon: Melee
Cost: $350
Carried by: Leone Family, Forelli Family, Sindacco Family, Colombian Cartel, Sicilian Mafia, Demon Frogs, Vercetti Gang, Diaz Gang II
Item Found:
* Gangsta's Paradise
* Behind Ammu-Nation on Red Light District
* At the grass allyway near Hyman Condos

Damage: 100% per slash (possibly can cut off someone's head)
Range: Very Short
Type of Weapon: Melee
Cost: $1,000
Carried by: Yakuza
Item Found:
* Gangsta's Paradise
* At the parking lot of Yuka's casino
* At the rooftop of the Hyman Condos

Damage: 20% per hit
Range: Very short
Type of Weapon: Melee
Cost: None
Carried by: LCPD, VCPD
Item Found:

Golf Club:
Damage: 25% per hit
Range: Very short
Type of Weapon: Melee
Cost: None
Carried by: Golfers
Item Found:
* Leaf Links Golf Club

Damage: 15% per hit
Range: Very short
Type of Weapon: Melee
Cost: None
Carried by: Elder Citizens
Item Found:
* Liberty City Elder House, Belleville Park, Staunton Island, Liberty City
* Vice City Elder House, Leaf Links, Vice City

Damage: 80% per hit
Range: Very short
Type of Weapon: Melee
Cost: $900
Carried by: None (seen by some gang members during a couple of missions)
Item Found:
* Gangsta's Paradise
* Behind Cluckin Bell where Pizza Stack used to be in Little Haiti
* Behind Bushes at Liberty Campus

Meat Cleaver:
Damage: 80% per hit
Range: Very short
Type of Weapon: Melee
Cost: $890
Carried by: Triads
Item Found:
* Gangsta's Paradise
* Behind Burger Shot where Pizza Stack used to be in Downtown, Vice City
* Behind a Rice Stand in Chinatown

Damage: Instant death to anyone without Body Armor or raised health for boss fights
Range: Very short
Type of weapon: Melee
Cost: $5,000
Carried by: None (can be carried by gang members during some missions)
Item Found:
* On a Ship at Portland Harbor
* On a ship at Viceport

9mm Pistol:
Damage: 30% per hit
Range: Mediem
Type of Weapon: Pistol
Cost: $100
Carried by: Leones, Sindaccos, Forellis, Demon Frogs, Triads, Diablos, Yardies, Yakuza, Colombian Cartel, Southside Hoods, Cubans, Haitians, Diaz Gang II, Vercetti Gang, Bikers, Sharks, Vance Crime Family
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Near the first safehouse in GTA III
* Near the second safehouse in Liberty City Stories
* Near the garages at Sunshine Autos

Silanced 9MM:
Damage: 30% per hit
Range: Mediem
Type of Weapon: Pistol
Cost: $200
Carried by: None (can be seen on gang members in certain missions)
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* In an ally way in Fort Staunton
* In front of Vercetti Estate

Desert Eagle:
Damage: 95% per hit
Range: Short
Type of Weapon: Pistol
Cost: $1,000
Carried by: None (can be seen on gang members in certain missions)
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Down at a dock in Callahan Point
* Under a small plane at Francis Intl. Airport

Colt Python:
Damage: 90% per hit
Range: Mediem
Type of Weapon: Pistol
Cost: $1,000
Carried by: Demon Frogs, Sicilian Mafia
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Behind the Malibu Club

Damage: 80% per hit
Range: Short
Type of Weapon: Shotgun
Cost: $600
Carried by: Vance Crime Family, Vercetti Gang, Leone Family, Bombers, Demon Frogs,
Yakuza, Southside Hoods, Uptown Yardies, Forelli Family, Sindacco Family, Bikers, Sharks, Cubans, Haitians, Triads, Diablos
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Inside the record store storage room in the North Point Mall
* Behind a trailer at Portland Harbor.
* On top of the Washington Mall

Sawn-Off Shotgun:
Damage: 95% per hit
Type of Weapon: Shotgun
Cost: $2,000
Range: Mediem
Carried by: None (gang members can have them on certain missions)
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* On the roof of the VC Biker Bar
* At the courtyard at 8-Ball's Bomb Shop at Harwood

Stubby Shotgun:
Damage: 95% per hit
Type of Weapon: Shotgun
Cost: $2,000
Range: Mediem
Carried by: None (gang members can have them on certain missions)
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation

Damage: Instant death to anyone without Body Armor or health raise
Type of Weapon: Shotgun
Cost: $4,000
Range: Mediem
Carried by: None (gang members can have them on certain missions)
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Phil's Warehouse

Damage: 15% per hit
Type of Weapon: SMG
Cost: $200
Range: Mediem
Carried by: Traids, Diablos, Uptown Yardies, Southside Hoods
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* At the VC Boatyard

Damage: 15% per hit
Type of Weapon: SMG
Cost: $200
Range: Mediem
Carried by: Cubans, Haitians, Diaz Gang II
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation

Damage: 30% per hit
Type of Weapon: SMG
Cost: $300
Range: Mediem
Carried by: Bikers, Sharks, Vance Crime Family, Demon Frogs
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Between the restrooms in Belleville Park

Damage: 15% per hit
Range: Mediem
Type of Weapon: SMG
Cost: $200
Carried by: Forelli Family, Sindacco Family, Leone Family, Vercetti Family
Item Found: Ammu-Nation

Damage: 40% per hit
Range: Mediem
Type of Weapon: SMG
Cost: $1,200
Carried by: None (some gangs can be seen carried in certain missions)
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Behind the Vice City Langer

Damage: 80% per hit (instant death to head)
Range: Long
Type of Weapon: Assault Rifle
Cost: $3,000
Carried by: None (some gangs can be seen carrying it in certain missions)
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* At the Ocean Beach Multi-Story Carpark

Damge: 80% per hit (instant death to head)
Range: Long
Tpye of Weapon: Assault Rifle
Cost: $3,000
Carried by: Bombers
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* At the Lighthouse at Portland Beach
* Near a small airplane at Escobar International

Damage: 90% per hit (instant death to head)
Range: Long
Type of Weapon: Assault Rifle
Cost: $3,100
Carried by: None (seen by gang members in certain missions)
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Near Auntie Poulet's house in Little Haiti
* At the Multi-Story Carpark at Newport

Damage: Depends How Close or how far
Range: Long
Type of Weapon: Grenade
Cost: $700
Carried by: None
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Near the nearest trailer to the entrance of Portland Harbor
* At the parking area of the Washington Mall
* At the basket ball court at Little Haiti

Molotov Cocktail:
Damage: Depends how close or how far
Range: Long
Type of Weapon: Grenade
Cost: $740
Carried by: None
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Behind the Demon Frog Mansion at Prawn Island
* At the Cochrane Dam
* On top of a boxcar at Pike Creek

Satchel Charges:
Damage: Depends how close or how far
Range: Mediem
Type of Weapon: Grenade
Cost: $1,000
Carried by: None
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* Behind Toni's house at Cedar Grove
* Behind the Compound in Little Haiti

Damage: Health Speeds Down 3 times faster per
Range: Mediem
Type of Weapon: Heavy Weapon
Cost: $6,000
Carried by: None
Item Found:
* Phil's Warehouse
* Under the bridge between Starfish Island and Washington Beach
* Inside the Porter Tunnel at the Shoreside Vale side

Damage: 200 per hit
Range: Mediem
Type of Weapon: Heavy Weapon
Cost: $8,500
Carried by: None
Item Found:
* Phil's Warehouse
* Inside the Liberty City Sawmill
* On top of Kaufman Cabs

Damage: 160 per hit
Range: Long
Type of Weapon: Heavy Weapon
Cost: $8,900
Carried by: None
Item Found:
* Phil's Warehouse
* Near the Helipad on Vercetti Estate

Rocket Launcher:
Damage: Depends how close or how far
Range: Very long
Type of Weapon: Heavy Weapon
Cost: $9,000
Carried by: None
Item Found:
* Phil's Warehouse
* Inside the Vice City Army Base

Sniper Rifle:
Damage: Instant hit
Range: Very long
Type of Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Cost: $4,000
Carried by: None
Item Found:
* Ammu-Nation
* At the alleyway near Hyman Condos
* At the Lighthouse at Portland Beach
* At the Parking lot of the Staunton police station

Damage: Instant hit
Range: Very long
Type of Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Cost: $5,000
Carried by: None
Item Found:
* At the Lighthouse in Ocean Beach
* Ammu-Nation
* At the Colombian Cartel mansion at Cedar Grove

Damage: None (takes picture and saves into file)
Range: Very long
Type of Weapon: Special
Cost: None
Carried by: Newspaper people
Item Found:
* Every safehouse

Grand Theft Auto: ULTRA Plot

GTA Ultra is a made up game that I made up. This isn't real, it's a fan made. This game takes place starting in Liberty City then in Vice City. This game also takes place back at the GTA III Era, so Liberty City remains the same as GTA III, and Liberty City Stories with a few minor changes like the finishing construct of Fort Staunton. Same as for Vice City for GTA: Vice City, and Vice City Stories. This game is alot like San Andreas with the energy, and everything. GTA: Ultra is about this guy named 8-Ball. You guys know 8-Ball right? He's the bomber guy from GTA III, and Liberty City Stories. His stores have been robbed by a certain gang, or gangs. 8-Ball was forced to close down all of his Bomb Shops. Him, and his friend Richard G. Newell must find the ones responceible, and open up his shops again. 8-Ball must do whatever it takes to get revenage on them.