Monday, August 16, 2010

Richard Mission 4: Liberty Race: Round 1

Boss: Richard G. Newell
Characters: 8-Ball, Richard G. Newell, Mayor Miles O' Donovan, Tsai Wong Yang, Larson Bernienee, Denny the Demon Frog
Gangs: Leone Family, Diablos, Triads, Demon Frogs
Location: Rich's Place, Hepburn Heights, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: $1,000
Unlock Missions: Cars

* Get to the Race starting point at Callahan Bridge
* Make it first place by racing around Portland


(Rich is watching the football game)

Richard: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! C'mon, brother! TOUCH DOWN! WOO HOO!

8-Ball: Wow, Rich! You really love football, don't you?

Richard: Yep! Almost as much as street racing!

8-Ball: Illegal street racing?

Richard: Hell no! Legal all the way, brother! (high fives) The mayor is making gang members race for money!

8-Ball: Our mayor is crazy, huh?

Richard: Maybe, because he works for us! HA HA HA! Gotta love Salvatore! *Sigh* Salvatore.

8-Ball: He was a good guy, huh?

Richard: Yeah, he was! Well, anyways, the race is gonna start soon! The starting point is at Callahan Bridge, and they only allow regular cars, not sport cars, not trucks, not even gang cars, just regular cars, like Sentinels, Admirals, Blista Compacts, etc. I recommend a Blista Compact, take the one I have outside for you, but if you want another type of car, go get one! You don't have to use my Compact, but it'll be a good idea if you do. Go win for us, my friend! You'll be repusenting the Leone Family!

(at the race)

Mayor: Greetings racing fans! Welcome to the Liberty City Street Racing! I'm your host, Mayor Miles O'Donovan!

Guy in the audiance: BOOOOO, you suck! You're mayor job sucks, you asshole!

(a shoe gets thrown at him)

Mayor: Whatever, anyways this race will be taking place around Portland Island, and back here! This is Round 1, and the prize is one thounsand dollors! We have in the first car, Tsai Wong Yang of the Triads! In the second car, we have Larson Bernienee of the Diablos! In the thrid car, we have Denny the Demon Frog! And in the fourth car, we have 8-Ball of the Leone Family!

(everyone cheers)

Mayor: Now, racers, start your engines!

(if the Triad car wins, mission failure)

Mayor: And the winner is, Tsai Wong Yang of the Triads!

(if the Diablo car wins, mission failure)

Mayor: And the winner is, Larson Bernienee of the Diablos!

(if the Demon Frog car wins, mission failure)

Mayor: And the winner is, Denny the Demon Frog!

(if 8-Ball wins, mission win)

Mayor: And the winner is, 8-Ball of the Leone Family!

(mission ends)

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