Monday, August 16, 2010

Quinton Mission 2: 1.... 2.... 3 Strikes, You're Dead!

Boss: Quinton Cance
Characters: 8-Ball, Quinton Cance
Gangs: Leone Family, Demon Frogs
Location: Quinton's Place, Portland View, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: Respect +
Unlock Missions: FYI I Am An Assassin (Quinton)

* Kill at least 13 Demon Frog members only using a baseball bat, with Quinton
* Find a hiding spot at Portland Harbor


8-Ball: Using a baseball bat, is fairly easy.

Quinton: I know how to this! Why you want me to do this, brother?

8-Ball: It's not just hitting an enemy with a baseball bat, it's hitting several enemies with a baseball bat! Who do you think we should whack today? Triads? Diablos?

Quinton: Nah, man! The Demon Frogs!

8-Ball: The Demon Frogs? Are you sure? They're pretty tough!

Quinton: C'mon, I killed a group of Triads using only a pistol, c'mon!

8-Ball: Uhh, alright!


8-Ball: There should be some Frogs at Trenton!

Quinton: Yeah, baby! Time to kill some Frogs from hell!

(while they are killing them)

Quinton: I killed one! I killed one!

Quinton: Back to hell with you!

Quinton: Yes! This is easy!

(when they're all dead)

Quinton: Looks like that's all of them!

(Demon Frog cars appear)

Demon Frog: Hey, they killed some brothers! Let's get 'em!

Quinton: Quick in the car! I know of a great hiding spot!

(in the car)

Quinton: They're shooting at us!

8-Ball: No shit sherlock! Where the hell is this hiding place anyway?

Quinton: Portland Harbor!

8-Ball: Really? Portland Harbor?

Quinton: Trust me! Just drive over there!

(at portland harbor)

Quinton: Okay hide in that garage, before they find us!

8-Ball: You rented that garage?

Quinton: Nope! Just stole it from a guy that works here!

(door opens and they go inside, door closes, and the Frogs come)

Demon Frog: Hmm, we lost them!

Quinton Mission 1: Turning Tricks

Boss: Quinton Cance
Characters: 8-Ball, Quinton Cance
Gangs: Leone Family
Location: Quinton's Place, Portland View, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: Respect +
Unlock Missions: 1... 2.... 3 Strikes, You're Dead! (Quinton)

* Teach Quinton with your driving skills


(Quinton is on the phone)

Quinton: Relax, baby! I'm Quinton Cance! You can count on me for anything, man! Alright! Chow!

8-Ball: Hey Quint!

Quinton: 8-Ball, mah man!

8-Ball: Ready for your next lesson?

Quinton: Of course, brother! Driving today! Show me your driving skills!

8-Ball: Alright! Sounds great!


Quinton: I stole this Monster Truck, and maybe you can show me some tricks with it, eh?

8-Ball: Alright, sounds good!

(when Quinton is bored)

Quinton: Is this your driving skills? Please!

Quinton: Shit! You call this epic driving?

Quinton: You suck!

Quinton: 8-Ball has gone down the hole!

(when Quinton is impressive)

Quinton: Whoa, brother!

Quinton: Jesus, you drive like a crazy bitch! Shit!

Quinton: Whoa, wow! Heh heh!

Quinton: You're the best, man! I like your skills!

(when you fail the mission)

Quinton: Maybe you should go to driving school!

(when you pass the mission)

Quinton: MAN THAT WAS AWESOME, BABY! Now, let me try!

(after mission news update)

News Lady: Monster driver in the works, as a monster truck was going around town doing illegal tricks, causing hit and runs, and several damage! Police are in the works, checking for clues. More later, on LCN.

Joey Mission 3: The Demon Express

Boss: Joey Leone
Characters: 8-Ball, Joey Leone, Richard G. Newell
Gangs: Leone Family, Demon Frogs
Location: Leone Gentleman's Club, Portland Beach, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: $700 Respect +, SMG available at Ammu-Nation
Unlock Missions: An Unexpected Alliance (Joey) [after finishing missions from Luigi, Rich, and Quinton]

* Get to the Saint Mark's Monorail Station
* Follow the train, and kill the Frogs on top of it
* Take Rich back home (two star wanted level)


8-Ball: Mr. Leone? Mr. Leone? Where the hell are you?

(8-Ball gets upstairs to the door of his bedroom)

8-Ball: Mr. Leone?

Joey: 8-Ball?! Oh, what.... are you doing here?

8-Ball: For my next job!

Joey: Well, I'm in the middle of something right now, 8-Ball!

Misty: C'mon, just give him the job so he can leave!

Joey: Fine.

(Joey opens the door, wearing a robe)

Joey: Okay, you want a job, so you can leave?

8-Ball: Sorry, to bother you, this was unexpecting!

Joey: Whatever, business is business after all! Now, the Demon Frogs have something coming to them! They just killed two squads of my Leone soldiers! They're on there way to the Saint Mark's Monorail Station! Take Richard with you, and kill them! He was wanting a job too, but I was waiting for you to show up, and then I got delayed by Misty! Well, anyway, Rich is downstairs getting something from the kitchen I think. Take him, and kick those bastard's asses!

(Joey closes the door)

8-Ball: Alright! Jeez, he had to slam the door on my face?


Richard: 8-Ball! There you are!

8-Ball: You know the plan right?

Richard: Of course! Getting something to eat, right?

8-Ball: No! Killing some Demon Frogs at the Monorail Station.

(when they get on the motorcycle)

Richard: So, we gonna drive-by those sons of bitches! You drive, I shoot!

8-Ball: Fine!

Richard: They really changed their tracks, now the Monorail tracks are connected to eachother, and they made some ramps on the sides!

8-Ball: Uh huh, yeah.

(at the station)

Richard: Hmmm, where are the hell are those busters?

8-Ball: Up there! On top of the train!

Richard: Fucking follow it, then!

(following the train)

Richard: Man, 8-Ball! Get closer so I can get a better shot!

(when another monorail on the other side goes by)

Richard: Aw shit! Watch out, incoming train!

(when Rich still can't get a better shot)

Richard: Get closer! I shoot these bastards down!

(when Rich still is stalling)

Richard: Keep going, man! Need a better aim!

(when another train is coming)

Richard: Watch the fuck out, incoming train!

(if they fall off)

Richard: Damn it! Get this bike moving, 8-Ball!

(when the train goes to far, mission failure)

Richard: Dude, you suck at bike riding!

(when the frogs die)

Richard: Great! Now, get us back to my place, the cops are coming!

(when they get to Rich's)

Richard: Whoo! That was a close call! Great job, brother!

(after mission news update)

News Lady: The Portland Monorail had some shooting today, as a drive-by was reported, killing a few members of the gang: the Demon Frogs. Civilians say it was two men from the Leone Family, but the don of the Leone Family, Joey Leone, denied anything of the works on this rampage. More later on LCN.

Joey Mission 2: Frogs in the Garage

Boss: Joey Leone
Characters: 8-Ball, Joey Leone
Gangs: Leone Family, Demon Frogs
Location: Leone Gentleman's Club, Portland Beach, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: $500 Respect +
Unlock Missions: The Demon Express (Joey)

* Head to Joey's old garage to see if there's any suspension
* Kill all Demon Frogs
* Chase down the Demon Frog who stole Joey's money
* Take the money to Joey


8-Ball: Mr. Leone? Mr. Leone, are you here?

Joey: Whoo! That was hot! Oh, hey 8-Ball!

8-Ball: What was hot?

Joey: Is that any of your business?

8-Ball: No, sorry.

Joey: Don't worry about it. Now, the Demon Frogs have been a major threat to us since they first got into Liberty City! They're the new big shots here, Vice City, Las Venturas, and even San Fierro, San Andreas. They lost ground at Los Santos. But anyway, that's not the point, they don't really hang around here in Portland, but I sense supesious activaty going on, my friend! My garage! I store my money at my old garage over at Trenton, go over there, and make sure everything is in order, alright? I sense Demon Frogs at that area. Alright?

8-Ball: Yeah, alright, sure thing, Mr. Leone!

(8-Ball walks out)

Joey: Hey, Misty?

(at the garage)

Demon Frog 1: Heh, look at all this loot!

Demon Frog 2: Hurry, Domick wants this fast!

Demon Frog 3: Hey, look! Interuder!

Demon Frog 2: Uh, we're the interuders, actually, but we have unknown company! Shoot him!

(once the Demon Frogs are dead)

Demon Frog at Car: Heh heh heh! I'm gonna be sooo fucking rich! Demon Frogs rule!

Richard Mission 5: Cars

Boss: Richard G. Newell
Characters: 8-Ball, Richard G. Newell
Gangs: Leone Family
Location: Rich's Place, Hepburn Heights, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: $500 Respect +
Unlock Missions: An Unexpected Alliance (Joey) [after finishing missions from Luigi, Quinton, and Rich]

* Get Rich's two cars to the Crusher and back in 3 minutes


8-Ball: Rich....

Richard: 8-Baaaaaaaaaaaa.....

8-Ball: What?

Ricahrd: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......

8-Ball: What, Rich, what?

Richard: aaaaaallllllllll.......

8-Ball: Shut the fuck up, man! What is it?

Richard: I'm wanted, man! The police are after my cars!

8-Ball: Why?

Richard: Well, they took pictures of my, and they know drugs are in there, the cops are coming! Take both of my cars to the Crusher! I don't want them to know about this! Do it, 8-Ball! Go!

(after both cars are Crushed, 8-Ball's phone rings)

Richard: Thanks, 8-Ball, you saved my ass!

8-Ball: No problem! What are friends for anyway?

Richard: Alright! Thank you again, brother!

(mission ends)

Richard Mission 4: Liberty Race: Round 1

Boss: Richard G. Newell
Characters: 8-Ball, Richard G. Newell, Mayor Miles O' Donovan, Tsai Wong Yang, Larson Bernienee, Denny the Demon Frog
Gangs: Leone Family, Diablos, Triads, Demon Frogs
Location: Rich's Place, Hepburn Heights, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: $1,000
Unlock Missions: Cars

* Get to the Race starting point at Callahan Bridge
* Make it first place by racing around Portland


(Rich is watching the football game)

Richard: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! C'mon, brother! TOUCH DOWN! WOO HOO!

8-Ball: Wow, Rich! You really love football, don't you?

Richard: Yep! Almost as much as street racing!

8-Ball: Illegal street racing?

Richard: Hell no! Legal all the way, brother! (high fives) The mayor is making gang members race for money!

8-Ball: Our mayor is crazy, huh?

Richard: Maybe, because he works for us! HA HA HA! Gotta love Salvatore! *Sigh* Salvatore.

8-Ball: He was a good guy, huh?

Richard: Yeah, he was! Well, anyways, the race is gonna start soon! The starting point is at Callahan Bridge, and they only allow regular cars, not sport cars, not trucks, not even gang cars, just regular cars, like Sentinels, Admirals, Blista Compacts, etc. I recommend a Blista Compact, take the one I have outside for you, but if you want another type of car, go get one! You don't have to use my Compact, but it'll be a good idea if you do. Go win for us, my friend! You'll be repusenting the Leone Family!

(at the race)

Mayor: Greetings racing fans! Welcome to the Liberty City Street Racing! I'm your host, Mayor Miles O'Donovan!

Guy in the audiance: BOOOOO, you suck! You're mayor job sucks, you asshole!

(a shoe gets thrown at him)

Mayor: Whatever, anyways this race will be taking place around Portland Island, and back here! This is Round 1, and the prize is one thounsand dollors! We have in the first car, Tsai Wong Yang of the Triads! In the second car, we have Larson Bernienee of the Diablos! In the thrid car, we have Denny the Demon Frog! And in the fourth car, we have 8-Ball of the Leone Family!

(everyone cheers)

Mayor: Now, racers, start your engines!

(if the Triad car wins, mission failure)

Mayor: And the winner is, Tsai Wong Yang of the Triads!

(if the Diablo car wins, mission failure)

Mayor: And the winner is, Larson Bernienee of the Diablos!

(if the Demon Frog car wins, mission failure)

Mayor: And the winner is, Denny the Demon Frog!

(if 8-Ball wins, mission win)

Mayor: And the winner is, 8-Ball of the Leone Family!

(mission ends)

Luigi Mission 5: Ho's In Trouble

Boss: Luigi Goterelli
Characters: 8-Ball, Luigi Goterelli, Mary, Mona
Gangs: Leone Family
Location: Luigi's Club, Red Light District, Portland, Liberty City
$400 Respect +, Pimp Suit Available at Wardrobe, Mary and Mona as Girlfriends
Unlock Missions: An Unexpected Alliance (Joey) [after finishing missions from Luigi, Rich, and Quinton]
* Get into Luigi's car
* Pick up Luigi's Girls at Burger Shot
* Chase down that pimp that kidnapped Luigi's girls
* Take her back to Luigi's


(8-Ball gets inside Luigi's Club)

Luigi: 8-Ball! You're here!

8-Ball: Hello, Luigi! How's mah pimp?

Luigi: I told you never to call me a pimp! Although I do a pimp's related job. Now, listen! Two of my girls went to Burger Shot for their lunch break, and they have been gone for a while. I need you to go down there, and make sure they're alright! Okay?

8-Ball: Alright, for sure!

(at burger shot)


Guy: Shut up, you sluts! Get in the car!

(when 8-Ball crashes, or shoots at the car the guy's driving for the first time)

Guy: Ah, fuck! Looks like you bitches have a rescue party!

(if the guy gets out of the car, and opens fire)

Guy: You want your whores back? Come, and get 'em!

(when 8-Ball gets in the bad guy's car)

First Girl: Oooh! You saved us! That makes us horny!

8-Ball: Whatever, I'm way to busy right now for sex, alright?

Second Girl: Alright, that's fine! I'm Mona, and this is Mary. We come from Vice City!

8-Ball: Alright, that's cool!

Mary: Anyway, you wanna go out with us later? We don't care if you date either one of us, just don't date any other chick!

8-Ball: Alright, I'm single anyway!

Mary: We both live at Portland View, right next door to eachother. But remember, you can only date one of us at a time!

8-Ball: Sounds good!

Mona: If you earn both of our respect, we can invite you in for coffee! Sometimes with both of us! Hee hee!

8-Ball: Alright, but let's not go to far now!

Mary: Okay, just drop us off at Luigi's.

Mona: Oooh, I'm still thinking of this guy from Vice City who took me to that party you were in, Mary, at Starfish Island?

Mary: Whoa, what a big fight this man did! It's just to bad he got kicked out of the army after that.

Mona: What was his name again?

Mary: I forgot.... Rick? Dick? Vic? I dunno.

(at Luigi's)

Mona: Thanks for the ride rocket-fella! Maybe we can pay you in kind later!

8-Ball: Okay, take it easy, ladies!

Mary: This guy reminds me of that other guy very well, Mona!

(mission ends)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Luigi Mission 4: Quinton Cance

Boss: Luigi Goterelli
Characters: 8-Ball, Luigi Goterelli, Quinton Cance
Gangs: Leone Family, Triads
Locations: Luigi's Club, Red Light District, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: Respect + $450, Silenced 9MM available at Ammu-Nation
Unlock Missions: Ho's In Trouble! (Luigi), Turning Tricks (Quinton)

* Show Quinton how to handle a gun by killing Triads


Luigi: Yeah, well... oh hey, 8-Ball!

8-Ball: Yeah, Luigi!

Luigi: You know Quinton Cance right?

8-Ball: Yeah I met him the other day.

Quinton: Sup, brother?

8-Ball: Hey, Quinton!

Luigi: So, he needs to prove himself to be a Leone. He needs training, after he lost his memory at Vice City.

Quinton: Yeah, man I dunno what happened.

8-Ball: Don't worry Quin! I'll help you get your fighting strength again!

Quinton: Cool! Let's do this!


8-Ball: Wanna start off by killing a few Triads?

Quinton: Whatever you want, mah man!

8-Ball: I'll take that as a yes.

(at driving to chinatown)

8-Ball: So what do you remember after you lost your memory in Vice City?

Quinton: Well, I know I love that name Quinton, so that's gotta be my name. My driver's card was erased, so I saw was my last name, so it's Cance! I didn't know what was going on, so I went to Liberty City!

8-Ball: Alright! Wow.

(at Chinatown)

8-Ball: It's easy to kill someone. Just aim, and pull the trigger!

(8-Ball shoots a Triad)

Quinton: Awesome! Let me try!

(he shoots the billboard that says "Go to Triad Fish restaurant today!")

Quinton: Hurray! I shot a Triad!

8-Ball: No, not the word, you idiot! Shoot the Chinese guys!

Quinton: Ah, I see!

(Quinton shoots a Chinese man, not a triad)

Quinton: I did it!

8-Ball: No, Quinton! Are you some sort of half-wit? The Triads are the guys in blue, or sometimes black.

(load of Triads show up)

Quinton: This guys?

8-Ball: Aw, shit!

(if Quinton doesn't die)

Quinton: Whoa, baby! That was awesome!

8-Ball: Well, I must say you have past your training.

Quinton: Well, if you want to train me some more, I'll be at my apartment at Portland View!

Luigi Mission 3: Don't Blow Mah Girls!

Boss: Luigi Goterelli
Characters: 8-Ball, Luigi Goterelli
Gangs: Leone Family
Location: Luigi's Club, Red Light District, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: $500 Respect +
Unlock Missions: Quinton Cance (Luigi)

* Kill the pimps around town


(8-Ball was about to enter Luigi's Club, but Luigi comes out)

Luigi: 8-Ball! What do I look like, huh? Some idiot?

8-Ball: No...


8-Ball: Well...


8-Ball: Luigi....

Luigi: I want you to kill all the pimps in Portland! I can't take this shit anymore! GO!

Luigi Mission 2: Club Profits

Boss: Luigi Goterelli
Characters: 8-Ball, Luigi Goterelli, Mickey Hamfists (cameo)
Gangs: Leone Family, Diablos
Location: Luigi's Club, Red Light District, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: $450 Respect +
Unlock Missions: Don't Blow Mah Girls! (Luigi)

Mission Objectives:
* Destroy the Diablo Club posters around town.


(inside Luigi's Club, Luigi is on the phone)

Luigi: Yeah I know, it is possible to arrange that. That event is gonna be on next week, right?

(8-Ball walks towards Luigi, and Luigi shows a one second signal)

Luigi: Sure we can do that. Sounds good to me, brother. Talk to ya later!

(hangs up)

Luigi: Wussup, 8-Ball?

8-Ball: Nothing, I just want to know if you have any work for me?

Luigi: Well, I need to think of something. Want a drink?

8-Ball: I'm good, thanks.

Luigi: So, I am hosting an event in my Club next week. You in?

8-Ball: Sure! I'm always in, Luigi!

Luigi: Great! Great!

(phone rings)

Luigi: Hello? Yeah, what is it, Harold? WHAT!? You shitting me right? Alright, thanks for the info, kid.

(hangs up)

8-Ball: What happened?

Luigi: Well, the Diablos are building a Club down the street, and it's gonna steal my business!

8-Ball: You want me to destroy it?

Luigi: No, not yet. First, I want you to go around town, and take their posters down!

8-Ball: Alright, I'm down!

Luigi: Okay. Hey, Mickey?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Richard Mission 3: Gunz of War

Boss: Richard G. Newell
Characters: 8-Ball, Richard G. Newell
Gangs: Leone Family
Locations: Rich's Place, Hepburn Heights, Portland, Liberty City
Reward: $200; Respect +; Pistol, and Silanced Pistol, Shotgun, Tec-9, Mac10, Micro SMG, Scorpion, and Grenade available at Ammu-Nation
Unlock Missions: Frogs in the Garage (Joey), Club Profits (Luigi), Liberty Race: Round 1 (Rich)

* Drive to the shooting range behind Ammu-Nation
* Shoot the three targets
* Shoot the three targets by crouching
* Shoot the three targets by rolling then shooting


Richard: ...yeah that's pretty fucked up, huh?

8-Ball: Yeah, sure. So when the hell are we gonna find my shit?

Richard: Hey, you need to learn to shoot.

8-Ball: Me? Learn to shoot? I know how to shoot, homie!

Richard: Do you know any tricks of shooting?


Richard: Alright then! Let's go to Ammu-Nation!

8-Ball: Man you're tripping.


Richard: You drive.

8-Ball: Yeah, thanks alot, Rich!

(in the car)

8-Ball: Why do you think those robbers wanted to steal my shit?

Richard: Well, alot of people know that you make a great profit, because you have many stories around.

8-Ball: But why ALL of my stores?

Richard: You must have did something to make them pissed.

8-Ball: I didn't do shit, man!

Richard: Well, shit gets fucked up these days, 8-Ball! You should know, it's 2004, and people get greedy, and shit.

8-Ball: Man! I'm this close to moving out of Liberty City.

Richard: Don't give up! You still can get back into business!

8-Ball: Thanks, man!

(at Ammu-Nation)

Richard: Alright, out in the back.

(at the back)

Richard: Ready, man? Here take this pistol, it's a start.

8-Ball: Alright!

(when Rich is giving the example of shooting the 3 targets)

Richard: Take this..... and this..... and that! Woo, I'm on fire, man!

8-Ball: Hey, calm down! Keep that up, and you will be on fire by a bunch of enemy gangs.

(when Rich gives the example of crouching)

Richard: Crouching helps, when you trying to kill the enemy! God damn, I'm good! I could use a sandvich right now!

8-Ball: Okay Heavy Weapons Guy, let me have a turn now!

(when Rich gives the example of rolling)

Richard: Do the barrel roll, 8-Ball! Man, this is awesome!

(when the tasks are over)

Richard: Alright, 8-Ball. Good job! Now, remember my teachings, and take this money, it'll help. Now, why don't you take your teachings in good use, and kill a couple of Triads, huh?

8-Ball: Alright, cya, man!

(mission ends)